10 Tips for Creating an Electronic Business Card

Choose the Right Website.

In this relatively new field, not all websites can be considered reliable. Be cautious and avoid registering on suspicious sites with contextual advertising. It can be dangerous for both you and future clients. Pay attention to the site's structure and font, as it says a lot about its reliability. At vCard.is, we prioritize your safety and provide a secure registration method.

Basic Information.

Don't try to overload your free digital business card with information about your company. It's important to include only essential details: full name, position, email, work phone numbers, and office address (optional).

Be Concise.

If you decide to create a digital business card, it should be brief and informative. Avoid excessive details and complex wording. Don't forget to specify your organization's status and add a logo if possible.

Template Selection.

For convenience, we offer a wide selection of free templates, which eliminates the need for design work. Just choose a suitable one and fill it out.

Subdued Design.

Bright and flashy designs can create a negative impression if they don't match your business's character. Choose understated and stylish color combinations, such as dark blue, steel, or dark green. Avoid excessive use of red.

Don't Overdo It with Black.

Black can be associated with mourning, so be cautious. Consider using black in combination with white, for example, a "chessboard" pattern.


A photo is necessary for your online OR business card. It builds trust and confirms your status in the business.

Multiple Phone Numbers.

Providing multiple contact phone numbers helps establish trust with clients. You can customize the number of phone numbers using a free builder where you can create an electronic business card.

Integration with Business Apps.

Activate integration with business apps like Evernote to have changes to your business card automatically reflected in other applications.

Social Media Sharing.

After creating your QR business card, share it on social media by sending the link to friends and adding it to your profiles.