10 Ways to Use QR Codes on Storefront Displays

Using QR codes on storefronts can significantly increase business revenue by expanding sales opportunities even before a customer enters the store. These codes enhance store traffic and improve customer service levels. By scanning a QR code, customers can instantly access information about products, special offers, and even make purchases without entering the store. Moreover, QR codes offer additional features for optimizing management and improving customer service. Modern technologies enable brands of all sizes to create and implement QR codes in their operations. Below are ten creative ways to use QR codes to attract customers, turning the storefront into a digital business card for the organization:

  • Increase social media followers: With a QR code that directs to social media, customers can easily navigate to your company's pages and subscribe to updates, strengthening the connection with customers and expanding your online presence.
  • Collect customer feedback: By placing QR codes, you can ask customers to leave feedback about the store and products, helping you gather insights and improve service quality.
  • Loyalty programs: QR codes simplify the subscription to loyalty programs, allowing customers to receive rewards for their loyalty and personalize offers.
  • Promotions and discounts: Create QR codes that offer discounts or special promotions, increasing interest and motivation to purchase.
  • Product information landing pages: QR codes can direct to pages with detailed descriptions of the product, aiding customers in making informed decisions.
  • Virtual clothing try-on: QR codes can redirect to web pages or apps for virtual try-ons, enhancing the shopping experience.
  • App promotion: QR codes can increase the number of downloads of your app by directing customers to the App Store or Play Store pages.
  • Pre-order systems: Use QR codes for pre-ordering goods, creating exclusivity and hype around new products.
  • Sustainable initiatives: Inform customers about your sustainability efforts and eco-friendly practices through QR codes that lead to relevant pages.
  • Interactive experiences: Organize games or promotions using QR codes that offer interactive and engaging activities, increasing customer engagement.

These strategies can revolutionize customer interactions and contribute to the growth of your business.