7 Ways to Use QR Codes for Health Passport Systems

QR codes for health passport documents provide a convenient way to verify a person's health status. They act as gateways to secure processes and help create a safer future. The advantage of these codes is that they facilitate contactless operations. Authorities only need to scan the QR code assigned to a person; there is no need for physical contact, such as handling printed documents. The simplicity and convenience of these codes have prompted governments worldwide to adopt them. With a reliable QR code generator, they can be easily created. Read on to learn more about how this technology works, allowing the creation of a health e-business card for each individual.

What You Need to Know About Health Passport QR Codes

A health passport QR code contains information about a person's health status. Important content includes medical history, known allergies, and medication records. During the COVID-19 pandemic, this technology became an effective tool for tracking vaccination status and infection details. It also facilitated contact tracing efforts. One smartphone scan is enough to access all of a person's medical information. There is no need to bring or present documents or files. Medical personnel must update these codes with the latest health data, making dynamic QR codes more suitable as they allow for editing of saved data.

What Data Can Be Found in Health Passport QR Codes?

Most health passport codes contain COVID-19 data, but they can also include other important information depending on the purpose and implementation of the health passport system.

Here are some types of data that a health QR code can contain:

Personal Information

Includes primary identification data such as name, date of birth, age, and other important details like address or contact numbers.

Health Status

Includes medical history, list of allergies and chronic diseases, as well as current health issues. Symptoms and recent contacts with infectious diseases can also be indicated.

Vaccination Status

Includes a list of vaccines received, the number of doses administered, the vaccine manufacturer, and dates of administration. Examples include vaccines for rubella, measles, and polio.

Test Results

Contains information about the type of test conducted, the date of the test, and the results.

Expiry Date

Health passport expiry dates indicate when the data will no longer be valid and how long the vaccine protection will last.

Seven Functional Ways to Use QR Codes for Health Passports

QR codes allow for the efficient presentation of health status and help balance access to information, public health protection, and data privacy. Here are seven ways they can be used:

Store and Update Records

QR codes can store extensive details about a person's medical history, medication information, and other health data. Authorized entities can quickly access this information by scanning. With dynamic QR codes, healthcare professionals can make necessary updates. This allows medical institutions to keep records current after diagnostic tests, surgeries, and other procedures, ensuring data accuracy.

Verify Health Information

QR codes can serve as digital health IDs. They can store essential data that confirm a person's health status. Medical workers can scan the code to verify a patient's medical records and determine the best treatment. For example, when donating blood, authorities can scan the QR code to check the donor's eligibility and the presence of any diseases.

Store Digital Health Certificates

Using a QR code generator, authorities can digitally store a person's health certificates in a QR code. Individuals can present this code and allow staff to scan it for access to their data. This simplifies entry to restaurants, airports, and other venues as all certificates can be quickly verified.

Store Digital Permissions and Prescriptions

QR codes make it easy to present a doctor's permission or prescription digitally. Patients can access these documents using their smartphones, simplifying interactions with medical facilities and pharmacies.

Track Patients

Dynamic QR codes have real-time tracking features, making them effective for patient monitoring and contact tracing. Authorities can quickly identify potentially infected individuals based on scanning time and location.

Protect Personal Information

Medical records are confidential, and password-protected QR codes help safeguard data from unauthorized access. This is a secure solution for sharing data and regulating access to QR codes.

Authenticate Pharmaceutical Products

QR codes can help authenticate medications. Manufacturers can add codes to packaging that link to portals with company information, expiration dates, and serial numbers, making it easier for consumers to verify the authenticity of medications before purchase.