Environment Friendly

Among the main advantages of a digital business card, its environmental friendliness should be indicated. In addition to the fact that such a method of storing information is convenient, eliminates the loss and destruction of the information presented on it, the minimum period required for its production, it makes it easier for you or your company to ecologize your personal image or business.

Environmental friendliness

Some modern companies and individual entrepreneurs adhere to the principles of environmental friendliness in their work. This is manifested in their assumption of responsibility for the state of the environment, as well as their daily participation in this process, based on their capabilities and the characteristics of their business. The main goal of such a trend is global – saving the Planet.

Many stages on this path have already been passed – for example, the use of biodegradable bags instead of the usual polyethylene, eco-friendly transport, electronic document management, the use of reusable tableware instead of disposable. The next stage, which is being implemented with might and main at the moment, is digital business cards.

Such changes have already affected many large companies – environmental initiatives of leaders in their fields set trends that are adopted by small and medium-sized businesses. The exchange of contacts during a business meeting in the paper version has long been a rule of bad taste for many companies. The exchange of electronic documents has long been something commonplace for employees of such companies. Many people say that in this form, contacts have a better chance of being saved, rather than thrown into the trash immediately after a meeting or at the next revision of business papers.

And if the introduction of environmentally friendly production technologies requires some investments from companies (which may be too much for them due to the high cost), then the use of digital business cards is the first and one of the easiest steps towards the introduction of environmental friendliness, besides the most economical. At the same time, its impact on the company's image can hardly be overestimated – the exchange of digital business cards is clear, not only your partners, but also others can witness it, and your reputation will begin to improve right at the same moment.

Try our service for creating digital business cards and evaluate its positive impact on the image of your company in the very near future.