How QR Codes are Applied in Education

A QR code is a versatile tool that can be applied in various areas, including education, where it facilitates the digitalization of various tasks. Let's look at effective examples of its use that contribute to simplifying and improving the quality of the educational process.

Distribution of Digital Content

QR codes can be used to distribute educational resources, such as PDF documents, text files, spreadsheets, and presentation slides among students. This is achieved through QR code technology, which allows embedding files of different formats directly into the code. Scanning the code enables students to instantly download the necessary study materials onto their devices.

Access to Online Lessons

With the advent of the pandemic and the shift to remote learning, the use of video conferencing platforms, such as Zoom, Skype, and Google Meet, has become widespread. QR codes simplify the process of connecting to online lessons, minimizing the need for constant link sharing. Creating a QR code with an embedded URL allows students to instantly join lessons with a single scan, freeing them from the need to search for links in chats or emails.

Organization of Online Testing

QR codes make it easy to organize access to online tests and surveys through Google Forms, simplifying the process of assessing students' knowledge. This eliminates the need to exchange links, allowing students to directly access tests and surveys by scanning.

Attendance Marking

QR codes can also be used to keep track of student attendance, giving them the ability to confirm their presence by scanning the code through their mobile devices.

Creation of Digital Galleries

Using QR codes to create digital image galleries eases the process of sharing visual educational materials with students, allowing for easy organization and customization of access.

Access to Video Materials

QR codes can simplify the process of distributing educational video materials, enabling students to access videos for learning through scanning the code, offering a more convenient alternative compared to sending links.

Publication of Grades

The grading system can also be digitized using QR codes, allowing students to quickly access their grades through scanning, with the possibility of using individual codes to ensure confidentiality.

Simplification of Online Registration

Implementing QR codes in the registration process at educational institutions makes this process simpler and more accessible, allowing students to register through scanning the code.

Informing About Classes

QR codes can serve as an effective means of disseminating information about classes, providing students with easy access to announcements and notifications.

As you can see, QR codes are well suited for use in educational areas for informing. Against this background, it is worth adding them to traditional electronic business cards to improve customer service quality, expand the network of business contacts.