How to Organize Information on a Paper Business Card

Front Side

When creating a business card, it's essential to consider the limited space, so it's crucial to highlight the most important information on the card. The front side is the most critical as it's visible when placed in a cardholder. What information should be included on the front side of the business card? Here are some key recommendations:

  1. Place the company logo in the top-left corner to grab attention.

  2. Provide a brief description of the business in a few words to convey the industry.

  3. Include your name, middle name (if applicable), and surname.

  4. Display your job title to showcase your responsibilities.

  5. Add contact information (phone number, email address).

Back Side

The back side of the business card provides space for additional information. For example, you can include:

  1. A company slogan, if you have one.

  2. A QR code, allowing people to quickly access your website without manually entering the address.

  3. A list of a few popular services to demonstrate what you offer.

  4. A map or directions, useful if your office is located in a complex area.

Mistakes to Avoid

To ensure your business card looks professional, follow these guidelines:

  1. Control layout and information placement for accuracy.

  2. Choose a readable font and appropriate size.

  3. Avoid using too many different fonts; two fonts are sufficient.

  4. Check for errors in content and printing, and avoid creating a universal business card for different languages if not necessary.

Electronic Business Cards

Smart business card are more convenient than paper ones, as they can accommodate more information and can be easily updated as needed.