11 Tips for an Effective Business Card

Business cards are powerful advertising tools that people can use for a long time. However, over time, it's easy to forget where and how you received them. If your company's name doesn't reflect its activities, make sure to include what your company does on the card. This will help potential clients immediately understand what they're looking for, potentially gaining you grateful new customers.
Conduct an experiment during your workshops: provide participants with two business cards from the same company, one with a name and job title, and the other without a name, a so-called "corporate" card. Ask them which one they would prefer to contact the company. In most cases, participants will choose the card with a name because it's easier to call a company where they already know someone.
Don't be modest. Contact information on business cards, even for large companies, is often hard to read. Highlight the phone number or other contact details so that they immediately catch the eye and make people want to call.
Use the back of the business card. You can place detailed information about your services, directions, a QR code leading to your website, etc. Utilize this space efficiently, but don't overload it with information (remember tip #3).
Include a special offer on your business card for those who decide to contact you. It could be a gift, favorable terms, or a discount. Your business card is your advertisement.
Make your business card an example of your work. If you are an artist, designer, photographer, or graphic artist, use the business card to showcase your skills and creativity. If a client is impressed by your business card, it increases the likelihood of future collaboration.
There isn't much room for extensive advertising information on a business card, but you can add a phone icon next to the number to indicate that clients can call.
Use a memorable slogan to associate your name with customer interest.
Use a non-standard business card shape to grab attention. For example, you can make rounded corners, reduce the width, or create a plastic card-shaped business card.
If you have multiple employee business cards in the same industry, highlight achievements such as titles, awards, or competition victories.
Include your website address on the reverse side of the business card and invite clients to visit for additional information or promotions.
All these wishes also apply to business cards online, which are actively replacing traditional paper ones today.