QR Code for Email Address

By creating a unique QR code for your email, you enable the user to quickly access their mail app and send you an email when they scan the code. But did you know that QR codes are becoming a popular tool for enhancing email marketing? In this article, we will explore how marketers use QR codes. Let's find out more!

How to Use a QR Code to Improve the Performance of Your Email Campaign:

Attach a QR code to your email

Choose the right type of QR code and redirection direction within your email marketing campaign. This could be videos, links, subscription forms, audio, image galleries, etc.

QR Code for Newsletter Subscription:

A QR code that directs to send an email is an effective way to attract new subscribers. For example, you could design a QR code for Mailchimp to gather subscribers. Such codes can give you an advantage over competitors and serve as a creative alternative to traditional methods. Create a QR code and determine the best places for its placement depending on the interests of your target audience. Here are some suggestions for placing QR codes that lead to your email form:

  • Print publications, articles
  • Brochures, flyers, posters, magazines
  • Online displays
  • Order forms, books, and packaging;
  • Promotional products, t-shirts, tags
  • Exhibition stands, showcases

Use a URL QR code to direct to advertising and informational links, turning them into full-fledged electronic business cards.

QR Codes for Video:

Video QR codes can show videos to your audience as part of an email campaign. Convert video links into a QR code to avoid the need to copy long URLs.

QR Codes for Apps to Increase Downloads:

App QR codes can include a URL that directs users to download your app from the Google Store or Apple App Store. Tie it to your email campaign to increase the number of downloads.

Present Files Through a QR Code:

Create a QR code for files such as PDF, video, Word, Excel, etc. Use cloud services to upload and present files through QR codes. What is interesting in using QR codes for files is that you can change the type of file to another simply by updating the QR code. For example, replace a PDF QR code with a Word or video file QR code without the need to create a new code.