Real Examples of QR Code Usage in Cemeteries

QR Code on a Tombstone in Ireland

In Ireland, QR codes have become part of the art on tombstones. They are engraved on the surface, allowing visitors to access online profiles and memorial websites, offering a deep insight into the lives of the deceased. These codes bridge the physical and digital worlds through biographical stories and photo galleries, ensuring that memories are preserved.

Vietnam Veterans Park

Vietnam veteran Randy Arc created the Veterans Park in Springfield, using QR codes to preserve the memory of local heroes. Each code leads to a virtual memorial filled with photos and historical context, allowing passersby to easily learn about the veterans' history, effectively turning it into a complete electronic business card.

Chinese Memorials

Some Chinese cemeteries use QR codes to provide access to virtual obituaries. These codes, scanned with smartphones, offer an interactive way to honor the deceased, combining modern technology with traditional practices.

Companies Offering QR Codes for Tombstones

Memorial Stories

Memorial Stories offers stainless steel plaques with QR codes leading to memory pages. This allows for the uploading of stories, sharing of photos, and preservation of memories for years. The service costs $49.

Quiring Monuments

Quiring Monuments offers "Living Headstones," which combine traditional granite headstones with digital memorials. Prices start at $75.

Catholic Memorials

Catholic Memorials provides self-adhesive plaques with QR codes for urns or headstones. These plaques are durable and weather-resistant, starting at $40.


LivingTag offers waterproof QR codes for headstones, starting at $39. These codes can be adapted for various memorials.

Legacy Marker

Legacy Marker offers printed plaques with QR codes that can be attached to any surface, enhancing the functionality of headstones by making it easy to find and access information about burial sites.

As you can see, QR codes on graves offer innovative ways to preserve and celebrate the memories of our loved ones. They provide access to rich biographical data and photos, creating interactive and meaningful memorials.