The Use of QR Codes on Food Packaging and Labels

QR codes have become a ubiquitous element in food packaging and labels, transforming into a standard tool. In the context of today's fierce competition, where each new brand brings innovations, unique ideas, and strategies to attract customers, traditional business models often prove ineffective. Companies that shun new technologies quickly lose market share. The integration of QR codes into packaging is one example of adapting to changes, which is particularly relevant in the rapidly growing food industry, where relying solely on mass advertising is no longer sufficient. QR codes are now used everywhere, from food products to advertising banners and tickets, serving as a full-fledged electronic business card.

Why is a QR Code Needed on a Product Label?

QR codes are designed to connect customers with online information and are widely used in business, especially on food and manufacturing labels. Thanks to the ease of scanning through smartphones, they become a convenient tool for disseminating information. The variety of QR codes allows them to be used for different marketing and packaging solutions, enhancing interaction through social networks and fan culture.

How to Use QR Codes Depending on the Type of Packaging?

There are three main ways to integrate QR codes into food product packaging: primary, secondary, and tertiary packaging. QR codes can be useful at each packaging stage. For instance, QR codes can showcase the origin of the product, its ingredients, or processing methods through videos or PDF documents, making information more accessible and interesting for customers.

On primary packaging, which directly contacts the product, QR codes can contain a list of ingredients, expiration dates, or health-preserving information. These elements make the packaging visually attractive and informative.

On secondary packaging, QR codes can direct consumers to the company's website or online store, helping to increase traffic or provide special offers through QR code coupons.

On tertiary packaging, used for transportation and storage, QR codes can serve as a means of marketing and brand information, offering new customers or partners a chance to learn about your business.