Use of QR Codes in the USA

The United States of America continues to be considered the largest industrial market in the world, and the same is true for QR codes. Here is the data on how QR code marketing techniques in the USA best suit the business.

  • 30% of QR codes were scanned in mail and emails
  • 27% in various magazines
  • 21% on street posters
  • 21% on retail packaging
  • 13% in applications and on websites
  • 7% on visual screens

Promotion of Applications with QR Codes

Although QR codes have been on the market for many years, some marketers and business owners still use them as part of their marketing strategy.

For example, some application development companies have published their app store QR codes in magazines, posters, emails, etc., redirecting the scanner to a download link. This serves as an effective demonstration of both self-evident and advertising promotion of applications.

Awareness in Social Networks

Recent research has concluded that nearly 86% of adult Americans use social media platforms in their daily lives. Moreover, this is the fastest and most effective way of communication; visual QR codes have made it much simpler.

Main social media platforms such as Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, Pinterest, etc., use built-in QR codes, which allow users to add friends by scanning their unique QR codes. In addition, some also provide access for scanning regular QR codes.

Education and Identification

Several universities in the USA have already started integrating QR codes into student IDs, which contain all the necessary information, i.e., semester, name, list number, etc. Moreover, they are also used in modern teaching methods.

Invitations to Events

QR codes in the USA are part of the invitations to birthdays, business meetings, wedding initiations, and other events, allowing readers to easily track the time, date, and special instructions related to the event.

They are also used for paying for certain events using the same code, which connects to PayPal on the server-side.


Retail covers more than two-thirds of the USA's GDP. Retailers have always strived to stay ahead of their competitors. In any case, QR code campaigns in the USA have helped the retail industry retain customers while maintaining pleasure.

As described above, about half of all mobile phone users use mobile phones during shopping, of which 40% do it for price comparison.

QR codes in retail stores allow customers to easily compare prices of different products. This is a bridge between online and offline.

Usage Statistics of QR Codes in 2021

QR codes vary in usage statistics by country. The QR code in the USA has received positive user feedback.

According to a Statista survey, by the end of 2021, a total of 11 million households will scan QR codes. Compare this with 9.76 million in 2019, and you can really see an annual increase in millions. Meanwhile, in China, QR codes are used for payment transactions. In fact, in 2017 alone, transactions worth $1.65 trillion were made using QR codes. This value has significantly increased in subsequent years, especially considering that, according to a 2019 survey, 50% of QR code scanners can regularly scan QR codes several times a week.

In fact, China has become one of the fastest-growing countries for mobile payments using QR codes.

What is the Future of QR Codes?

It can be confidently said that the statistics of QR codes are not just assumptions but a predicted growth in the near future thanks to two main factors: increased access to smartphones and high-speed internet. Ultimately, this will contribute to further use of QR codes in the modern market.

According to a recent Juniper Research study, 90% of the world's population will have access to high-speed internet in 2020 and beyond. This, combined with a large number of people having access to mobile devices, expands the statistics of QR code adoption.

The Future of QR Codes in the USA

When it comes to the use of modern technologies and utilities, the USA has always been at the forefront. According to the reasons described above, QR codes are getting a huge boost in the field of retail, social networks, education, initiatives, and brand recognition.

It can be said that QR codes will continue their triumphant march not only in the USA but also in other countries around the world. For example, they can be used to create an electronic business card that will help you establish business connections.