Using QR Codes to Increase Cinema Attendance

The Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on various business sectors, with the film industry being particularly hard-hit. Incorporating QR codes into the marketing strategy of cinemas can help increase their attendance. Due to the pandemic and the need for social distancing measures, many cinemas were forced to temporarily close, leading to a surge in popularity of streaming services like Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Hulu. These platforms offer the viewing of new releases, posing a threat to traditional cinemas. However, as restrictions ease and the number of vaccinated individuals increases, cinemas are beginning to reopen, and the introduction of QR codes could mark a new phase in their marketing.

How to apply QR codes in cinemas:

  • For improving your website's search optimization: In the internet era, appearing at the top of Google search results significantly increases the chances of attracting customers.
  • For increasing website traffic: Create a QR code that leads to your site, using tools such as KR TIGR, to simplify access to information about your cinema.
  • For online ticket sales: Selling tickets online allows for 24/7 operation, increasing the number of bookings.
  • For showcasing loyalty programs: QR codes can direct customers to a web page with a loyalty program, encouraging repeat visits.
  • For organizing entertainment events: Use QR codes for participation in cinema contests or treasure hunts.
  • For contactless registration and payment: QR codes help minimize contact and ensure customer safety.
  • For advertising films: Place QR codes on posters that lead to trailers, drawing attention to upcoming premieres.
  • For increasing social media followers: QR codes can link all your social profiles, simplifying their discovery.
  • For collecting feedback: Facilitate the feedback process with QR codes that direct to a feedback page (effectively, the cinema makes an electronic business card for free).
  • For expanding the mailing list: Attract subscribers to your emails and newsletters with QR codes at events or in promotional materials.