Varieties of Business Cards in Terms of Text and Graphics

For some people, adhering to traditions when creating business cards is crucial, while for others, breaking the rules is acceptable. This applies to both the materials used for making business cards and the placement of information on them. Text and images are most often positioned horizontally or vertically on one or both sides. 

Business Cards by Information Placement

Horizontal business cards are a traditional way of presenting information. They are used by employees of large corporations, international companies, and government organizations. Among the advantages of this format are the convenience of displaying even long names, ease of perception, and readability. The disadvantage is that there are many such business cards, making it challenging to stand out among competitors.

Vertical business cards attract attention and stand out from the rest. However, it can be more challenging to fit all the necessary information on them, so careful design and layout planning are essential. Vertical smart business cards are often ordered by representatives of creative industries and service sectors. 

Business Cards by Data Placement

One-sided business cards are a traditional and widely accepted format in the business world. They are exchanged by representatives of companies and government entities. According to business etiquette, only the most important information such as the company name, position, full name, and contact details is placed on one side.

Two-sided business cards are used when a company offers a wide range of products or services. In this case, the key information is placed on the front side, while the back side may contain a list of products or services. Additionally, a location map to the office can be added. The main advantage of double-sided business cards is that they can accommodate twice as much information.

Choosing the format of business cards requires careful consideration. What may be acceptable and beneficial in a creative environment may harm your reputation in the business and international context. To avoid mistakes and effectively utilize this promotional tool, it is recommended to entrust the design and printing of business cards to professionals.