QR Codes on Cash Receipts

It's particularly important to engage existing customers to increase profits post-purchase and to enhance interaction with the brand. This guide will introduce how QR codes on receipts can help achieve these commercial objectives and much more.

Companies often allocate significant resources to attract new customers, overlooking the motivation of existing ones. Yet, marketing research indicates that the likelihood of purchases by existing customers is 60-70%, compared to 5-20% for new customers.

Focusing on existing customers can thus lead to increased revenue and strengthened brand loyalty. Cash receipts are an effective way to draw the attention of existing customers and encourage repeat purchases.

Let’s explore how QR codes on receipts can be used to achieve commercial outcomes, turning them into a sort of electronic business card.

What is a QR code on a receipt?

A QR code on a receipt is a QR code that is printed or integrated into a receipt or any other payment confirmation document. QR codes for receipts can be generated using specialized QR code generators. These receipts can be either paper-based or electronic, for example, sent via email in PDF format, etc.

Why should dynamic QR codes be preferred over static ones for receipts?

A dynamic QR code is a type of QR code that can be modified even after its creation and printing. These QR codes scan faster and offer features such as QR scan tracking, analytics, targeted online retargeting, campaign planning, password protection, customizable domains, and much more. We use such QR codes in our electronic business cards.

We have already discussed the advantages of dynamic QR codes in another article. Here, let's briefly highlight why it is important to use dynamic QR codes specifically for receipts:

Dynamic QR codes allow for editing when necessary.

A dynamic QR code enables changing the purpose or content of the code without the need for reprinting. This provides flexibility in updating QR code information in line with the needs of your marketing campaign, saving resources and reprinting efforts.

Dynamic QR codes provide analytical data and tracking of scans.

A major advantage of dynamic QR codes is offering comprehensive analytics on QR code scanning and tracking, which static QR codes do not offer. This provides access to data on the most effective campaigns, total number of QR code scans, their locations, devices used, unique users, and scans by time of day, city, country.

Online Retargeting with Dynamic QR Codes on Receipts.

Another advantage of using dynamic QR codes is the ability to retarget customers. When someone scans your QR code, a cookie file is saved on the user's smartphone, which can then be used for retargeting to relevant internet advertising. This is particularly useful to encourage people who have scanned your QR code but have not yet made a purchase.

Planning and Automating QR Campaigns with Dynamic QR Codes.

For instance, if you want your QR code to remain active until the end of an online winter sale, you don’t need to manually disable the QR code after the specified date. With a dynamic QR code, you can set the start and end dates of your campaign, allowing customers to scan the QR code and take advantage of offers within a specified time period. This removes the need for manual management of the QR code after its period of validity has expired.